Frequently Asked Questions

Marigold Engevita® Nutritional Yeast

  • We want to make sure there is a right Engevita® for everyone. Our range includes:- 

    • Marigold Engevita® Protein Fibre Yeast Flakes (pink label). An unfortified nutritional yeast  for consumers after an original health food. It’s inherently rich in fibre - as well as a complete protein containing all essential amino acids, but with no added vitamins.

    • Marigold Engevita® B12 Yeast Flakes (blue label). Our best seller.  Fortified nutritional yeast, rich in folic acid, protein and fibre, with a unique recipe containing vitamin B12. This vitamin is essential in a vegan diet as it is required to produce red blood cells and prevent anaemia.

    • Marigold Super Engevita® Vit D B12 Yeast Flakes (green label). Our yeast with the highest nutritional content. Fortified nutritional yeast, containing all essential amino acids, fibre and significant amounts of vitamins & minerals. It includes B12, an important addition to any vegan diet. It contains innovative Vitamin D Yeast, created by exposing the yeast to UV light. This process naturally develops vitamin D2 in yeast, the ‘sunshine vitamin’, essential for immune system support and strong bones & teeth. Thanks to this unique method, Super Engevita® Vit D B12 offers a vegan source of vitamin D.

    • Marigold Organic Engevita® Yeast Flakes (purple label). Our certified Organic nutritional yeast is unfortified yet remains high in folate, fibre and protein. It has a slightly milder, less cheesy taste due to the profile of the organic beet molasses.

    The fortified lines are more than 99% dried inactive yeast by weight with less than 1% of fortifications added during the fermentation process.

    All Marigold Engevita® products are ideal as an enriched natural food or as a functional ingredient in savoury dishes or superfood mixes, adding a delicious cheesy and nutty flavour to every meal. Ready to eat on its own or simply sprinkle on pasta, soups, stews, salads or popcorn to enhance their flavour.

  • The product itself has not changed at all.  It only contains one ingredient - unfortified nutritional yeast flakes, as is the case for our Organic Engevita® Yeast Flakes. We removed the word, Unfortified, to simplify the label design and have it fit better visually with the rest of the Marigold Engevita® Nutritional Yeast Flake range.

  • Marigold Catering Engevita B12 Nutritional Flake Tubs are hand filled and the great flake structure and size is very well maintained. We were actually often having an issue to fit the flakes within the tub. Because of this, in December 2023 we’ve taken the decision to reduce the fill weight from 750g to 650g to assist in the packing process. The fill volume remains high. The price structure has been lowered accordingly.

  • In July 2022, we discontinued Marigold Engevita® Protein Fibre Yeast Flakes Brown. This product had been on the market since 2007 and we believed it needed refreshing.

    We ceased manufacturing of the Brown version and instead introduced new, unfortified product - Marigold Engevita® Protein Fibre Yeast Pink. This product was created because of general consumer feedback and demand for unfortified nutritional yeast, with all the benefits of high protein and fibre content, as well as famous cheesy, nutty flavour, but without vitamin and mineral fortifications. It has one ingredient - dried inactive yeast.

    We believe the change allowed us to create a comprehensive Marigold Engevita® product range, covering all nutritional requirements.

  • In 2022, we unfortunately continued to face very large cost increases to all aspects of our business – ingredients, packaging, labour, and transport. It was necessary for us to make a choice – implement higher prices or reduce the content weight of the tubs. We chose the latter. We have simultaneously invested in new packing equipment to better maintain the flake structure. So, although the weight on some Engevita® lines have decreased, the volume (tub fill level) remains the same.

  • Our blue tub Engevita® with B12 is grown on beet molasses that have been fortified with cyanocobalamin.

    Cyanocobalamin is much more stable than the other forms of cobalamin and hence widely used for supplementation. It is recognised as safe to use by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA).

  • In our Pink Engevita® and Organic Purple Engevita®, the folic acid is 100% folate, intrinsic to the product. All the other Engevita® variants have a mixture of 50% naturally occurring folate and 50% manufactured folic acid which is added to the molasses upon which the yeast is grown. According to labelling law, both elements are included under the heading of folic acid.

  • Based upon our research of Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs), we believe the product is suitable for children over the age of 18 months. We would always advise that you examine the NRV’s of individual nutrients and vitamins. If you have concerns, we would always recommend consulting a GP or nutritionist.

Marigold Bouillon Powder

  • In March 2022, we modified the recipe of Marigold Swiss Vegetable Bouillon Green to Marigold Original Vegan Bouillon Green. The vegetarian bouillon is no longer available.

    We have made some changes to this product by removing lactose and palm oil. This was in response to consumer feedback and our wish to bring it in line with our Marigold sustainability promise. We have tried hard to keep the new formula as close to the original flavour as possible. 

    We hope the new, vegan and palm oil free recipe meets expectations of its long-time customers, as well as new ones.

  • At the dilution level suggested on the tub; just a flat, level teaspoon per cup of water or 4 level teaspoons per litre of water, your drink or stock should not taste overly salty. Please do make sure that you use LEVEL teaspoons NOT heaped teaspoons!

    If this is still too salty for your taste, we have Reduced Salt versions available – please see the product pages for details.

Other Marigold products

  • We have replaced the Marigold Instant Gravy Granules 170g with Marigold Instant Gravy 170g in a powder format as part of a reformulation to remove palm oil. In 2023, Marigold fulfilled one of its sustainability promises and removed palm oil from all of our products – the last one being this Marigold Instant Gravy 170g. In replacing palm oil with sunflower oil and / or rapeseed oil, it is not possible to form granules.  We were happy to switch to a powder format to enable the product to be palm oil free whilst maintaining its bold flavour and the convenience of being instantly prepared.

  • We are committed to produce sustainable healthy foods with minimal environmental impact. Since 2022 we have worked hard to improve our recipes to remove palm oil (even though it was sustainably sourced) from the very few products still containing it. We are very proud to say that as of January 2024 all our products are palm oil free.

  • The HVP (Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein) used in Marigold Vegetable Bouillon does not contain any MSG.

    The HVP contains only naturally formed glutamates that are derived from the raw materials used to make the HVP, namely soya and maize. Soya and maize are made up of fats, fibres, moisture, carbohydrates and proteins. The proteins in soya and maize are composed of amino acids, such as leucine, phenylalanine and glutamic acid commonly found in food. Thus, the naturally occurring glutamates in HVP are derived from the naturally occurring glutamic acids in soya and maize protein.

    The glutamates present in the HVP are not present in a concentrated form like MSG. They are naturally present in proportion to the other naturally occurring amino acids in the HVP. As the glutamates have not been added artificially, there is no need to declare anything more than HVP on the label.

    Glutamate is an essential and vital constituent of the human body and occurs naturally in many foods such as the following:

    • Peas

    • Potatoes

    • Tomato Juice

    • Grape Juice

    • Cheese

    • Mother's Milk

    The quantity of natural glutamate in an 8fl oz serving of Marigold Vegetable Bouillon, at a dilution of 18g per 1 litre, is equivalent to the amount of naturally occurring glutamate in: 5g of cheddar, 10g of Parmesan, a medium sized potato or a small glass of tomato or grape juice. Indeed, one of the highest concentrations of naturally occurring glutamate is to be found in mother's milk!


  • We are very proud to announce that as from 2024 all Marigold tubs are fully recyclable. The new paper-based container is designed for full recyclability at home. This user-friendly packaging ensures that, after consumption; consumers can easily and fully recycle the packaging kerbside. Whilst maintaining the original functionality to preserve and protect the food, the new packaging has the added benefit of improved recyclability. The new packaging is now available across all UK supermarkets and all good health stores with the latest OPRL recycling logo to help UK consumers recycle their packaging correctly. 


  • Thank you for your custom, however, no, we only sell to trade customers. That is to say, retailers, distributors, food manufacturers or foodservice companies.

    However, we have many great stockists (on the high street and online) who carry our products. Please check the Where to Buy page.

  • Thank you for your interest in our offer. Please refer to the Want to become a stockist page.

  • Yes. Our most popular Engevita® Nutritional Yeast Flakes are available in 25kg formats. Our Marigold Organic Bouillons are available in 12.5kg format. We also have foodservice formats such as a 650g tub of Engevita® with B12, 2kg tubs of bouillon and a 2kg tub of our instant gravy granules.

    Please refer to Want to become a stockist page, if you are a trade customer and would like to order.